Since we have last spoken I took it upon myself to complete my transformation into a true Tel Avivit and I FINALLY purchased a much needed bicycle. It seems that everyone in this city has one and when no transportation runs on Shabbat it is so nice to still be mobile. I was a bit hesitant at first since I was maybe 9 or 10 years old when I last rode a bike (and I'm pretty sure I was only able to drive it straight without falling), but I figured if the saying "It's as easy as riding a bike" is true, I would be just fine. I found my little beauty for only about $200 dollars (including lock, bell, and basket), rode it home all the way from Ramat Aviv (maybe about a 30 minute bike ride), and the only injury I sustained was a cut on my hand from skimming a rock wall to avoid killing a pedestrian! Not bad for my first ride. Since then I have taken it almost everywhere with me and the fact that it hasn't gotten stolen yet is a miracle; bike robbery's are very big in Tel Aviv.
It really is easy to get back on a bike |
My first ride :-) |
Instant bonding |
A day after I bought my bike Israel ushered in Chag H'Ahavah (Holiday of Love), or the Israeli Valentines day. It seemed like the whole city was decorated with various pink, red, and white accessories, waiters and waitresses in restaurants wore uniforms adorned with pink and red hearts, and love was in the air... so to speak! Ida, Elana, and I decided to meet up with a family friend from Palm Springs at a bar in Tel Aviv that night, and before hand we decided on a nice Italian dinner out. It was a lovely way to begin the evening and the food was just as good as I remembered it from when I went with my friend John and again with Susanna. It was a perfect pre-partying event for us sisters!
The sissys at dinner! |
Enjoying my Italian dinner |
Decorated for Chag H'Ahavah <3 |
After dinner we decided to head over to a very popular bar on dizengoff to meet up with a dear family friend who has lived in Israel for 5 or 6 years now. She was planning on being in the city for a few hours so we decided to catch her for a drink while we had the chance! When we were all reunited it was as if we had never spent so many years apart and we all had a great time catching up. It had been over 10 years since Talya (our family friend) had seen my sister so a lot of catching up was very necessary. We enjoyed an hour or so of uninterrupted girl time before Stephane joined us for he clubbing portion of our evening.
A very creative way to distinguish the men and women's bathroom |
Sissies! |
We all needed a bathroom picture |
Mr. life of the party! |
Reunited after 10+ years |
Our present for Chag H'Ahavah |
Being silly... Per usual |
The girls! |
Me and sissy! |
After the bar Ida and Elana decided to go home and Talya, Stephane, two of Steph's French friends, and I went out dancing for a few hours. It was nice to blow off some steam in a club and have a nice night of dancing!
The next night we planned to have a big club night out in the city preceded by a dinner at the Namal (port of Tel Aviv) where, conveniently, the club we were going to was located. One of my good friends met up with us during dinner, Stephane then came to meet us, and after we had eaten a very satisfying meal, it was off to the club.
Elana and me at dinner |
Ida and Sharon <3 |
Stephane being... Stephane! |
It was a wonderful night out with the group, and probably one of the last times we will all be out for a while together. Tomorrow marks the day that Stephane leaves for Australia for 3 months, and at the end of the month Elana will be leaving followed by my friend Sarah who will return to Switzerland for the next 6 months. All of that combined with Susanna leaving on the 26th makes August not the most fun month! I am just trying to spend as much time with everyone as I possibly can before we all leave for however long.
This weekend my sister and I are traveling to meet dear family friends up north in Carmiel so stay tuned for a post on how the weekend goes!
Until we meet again <3,
Jordana Simone
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